by Kamil Kalbarczyk @ Unsplash

The scene opens with your protagnoist paddling hard down the river, desperately trying to outrun their pursuers.
Jail Break
I’m going to get away it. I’m going to pull it off. I just need to get away from the last guards. My guy on the outside told me there would only be one boat. Did he betray me? Did he set me up? If there were no boats or the guards were ready for me it would be obvious, but helping them catch me would be subtle. I’d be in jail with no way to retaliate though, why would he need to hide it? How would that even benefit him? Wa she facing time himself? Doesn’t matter. Focus. Lock in. Get to the rendezvous spot, escape, then ask questions. They’re actually keeping up decently well but unless I was betrayed I have the advantage of them not knowing where I’m heading. The water is rough ahead, if it looks like their vision is compromised I’m going to bail and hope they follow the empty boat long enough. Wait for it, now! I can’t see above the water, which probably helps my car but it would be nice to know they passed me already. Let’s be smart, they were probably about 20 seconds behind me so just hold my breath a little longer and they’re probably a good distance away. Can’t wait to long though cause I need to get to the woods before they realize I’m not in that boat. Ok, now, looks all clear. Hurry to the trees then take my time so I don’t alert them with any noise. God this wet prison jumpsuit is miserable but not as miserable as a dry one in prison I guess. I don’t think I hear anyone else around me but still need to be save, eventually they will realize they lost me and turn back. Luckily I have. Great sense of direction and if I stay in this direction I should pop out right around the street where the get away car is. Just a little longer and perfect. No cops or cars in sight, still need to be quick, I look very suspicious. There’s the street and jackpot there’s the car. Let’s boogie. “Jesus dude you’re soaked and you reak, I’m never going to clean this up” yeah, sorry, next time I escape from prison I’ll worry more about how dirty I am, too late this time. “So you got away from the guards I assume” Tyler? How did you know about the guards?