Every day on my way home from school I pass the same playground and every day there is a pick up game of basketball being played by kids my age. I always want to ask to play but I never know how and they always seem to have a full game. Today however, I only see five. They aren’t going to play three on two I think. This is my time to try and join in. I walk over and raise my hand. My mouth blurts out “need another?” before I even stop think how lame I sound. One guy gives me a quick look up and down then quickly says “no” and looks away. Damn. As I start to turn to leave another kid says “Wait, we need him, even if he just passes us the ball we can’t beat them a man down.” The first kid grunts “fine.” I’m in. First few times up the court I don’t get the ball much, and when I do one of them wants it right back. Thats fine, I’m just happy to play. Tie game and they have the ball. They make a bad pass and it lands right in my hands. Without thinking I start dribbling down the court. Everyone scrambling to get in position. The boy who didn’t want me to play makes it to under the basket and starts demanding the ball like he’s never wanted anything more in his life. As soon as I look at him his man tightens up and mine starts running towards him. This is it, this is my chance. As soon as I begin my shot I hear the boy yelling, no, my shot, pass it. Too late, the shot is up. My man can’t recover and come back in time. It’s in, I did it, we win. I hear one voice shout “yes sir, that’s game!” I look up and the other boy is storming towards me. He’s mad. That was his moment. He thinks I stole it. He stops in front of me, looks me up and down again and holds out his fist. I jump back nervous. We won, he wants to fight me for winning the game? Dude looks around confused, steps up to me and holds it out again this time more assertive. I put my hands up, is he really this mad about not getting the game winning shot? Now even more annoyed he looks at me and says “Bro, come on. Knuckle me” Everyone else looks confused and starts walking closer to us. I did the only thing I could think of. I punched him first. “WHAT THE HELL?!” I heard him say as he scrambled to get up/ the kids from the other team hold him back as the other kid from ours pushes me and asks me what my deal is. “What’s my deal? He was so mad I took that shot he wanted to fight me!” Everyone stops and stares. Someone, I don’t even remember who finally says a deflated “what?” I look around, now also confused.” He stormed over and shook his fist at me, TWICE, then said come on and knuckles. I’ve never been in a fight before was I not supposed to hit first?” Everyone immediately starts laughing like it was the funniest joke I’ve ever told. Now I’m really confused. Now not being held back the boy says “no you idiot, knuckles, like give me knuckles, a fist bump, I was saying good job you idiot.” I’d never been so embarassed in my life. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea. I’m so awkward I’m sorry” I looked around nervously again. He looks at me finally chuckles and says “No problem I guess” then he punched me right in my stomach and said now we’re even, see you back here tomorrow, same teams!” Everyone laughed and started walking home.
“Take your shot, stranger. You’ll only get one.” She said after she walked over to my table turned the chair around before she sat down with her arms crossed. Thats all it took. I was hers. That laid back posture. That smile. That opening line that was so nerdy yet also oozed confidence. How do you even respond to such an opening line. “Hi, I’m Ted” clearly wouldn’t cut it with a girl like this. I need to say something and fast though. I can’t let her get away. I don’t have anything that clever, maybe I have something that nerdy. I chuckled and smiled back at her. I raised my arms “No need to shoot, I come in peace.” Awful, what was that? She raised her eye brows back at me with a chuckle and a smile of her own. Did that actually work? Quick keep talking while she’s still here. “Why don’t we just talk this out? We’ve both been traveling awhile. Maybe we can continue our journeys together.” Kind of lame, but also very true. This speed dating thing has been two hours of torture. She’s the one, let’s finish the quest here. “You’re a total nerd aren’t you?” Before I could even stammer out a response she smiles. “I like that, keep talking.” Jackpot.
They say it’s the thought that counts. Fresh roses. Fresh roses to say I love you. Fresh roses to say thank you. Fresh roses to say congratulations. They never last, so do the thoughts also never last? Do the thoughts also have an expiration date? Does the thought also only live as long as I take care of it? Even with the best intentions they can’t last forever. Dead roses. Dead roses to say I used to love you. Dead roses to be unappreciative. Dead roses to ask what have you done since? Could they have lasted? Could the thoughts have lasted longer. Does the thought still count when the roses are dead?
I’m going to get away it. I’m going to pull it off. I just need to get away from the last guards. My guy on the outside told me there would only be one boat. Did he betray me? Did he set me up? If there were no boats or the guards were ready for me it would be obvious, but helping them catch me would be subtle. I’d be in jail with no way to retaliate though, why would he need to hide it? How would that even benefit him? Wa she facing time himself? Doesn’t matter. Focus. Lock in. Get to the rendezvous spot, escape, then ask questions. They’re actually keeping up decently well but unless I was betrayed I have the advantage of them not knowing where I’m heading. The water is rough ahead, if it looks like their vision is compromised I’m going to bail and hope they follow the empty boat long enough. Wait for it, now! I can’t see above the water, which probably helps my car but it would be nice to know they passed me already. Let’s be smart, they were probably about 20 seconds behind me so just hold my breath a little longer and they’re probably a good distance away. Can’t wait to long though cause I need to get to the woods before they realize I’m not in that boat. Ok, now, looks all clear. Hurry to the trees then take my time so I don’t alert them with any noise. God this wet prison jumpsuit is miserable but not as miserable as a dry one in prison I guess. I don’t think I hear anyone else around me but still need to be save, eventually they will realize they lost me and turn back. Luckily I have. Great sense of direction and if I stay in this direction I should pop out right around the street where the get away car is. Just a little longer and perfect. No cops or cars in sight, still need to be quick, I look very suspicious. There’s the street and jackpot there’s the car. Let’s boogie. “Jesus dude you’re soaked and you reak, I’m never going to clean this up” yeah, sorry, next time I escape from prison I’ll worry more about how dirty I am, too late this time. “So you got away from the guards I assume” Tyler? How did you know about the guards?
Every morning after I wake up I walk around the city and look for breakfast. A lot of these buildings have these big green boxes outside with lots of smells and things to play with but most importantly they have food! If I’m early enough I can play with all the things and eat all the food before the big loud truck comes and takes it all away. My favorite place to eat from the big green box is a place where the person who fills the box has a mustache and wears a big white hat and he talks a like a this. I think his name is Pete Za? That’s what the humans say when they come here at least. It looks like another dog is already using this big green box. I don’t mind sharing but he seems mean. He’s growling he’s definitely mean. No worries I’ll try another green box. Oh! This is my other favorite! I think the humans call it a sand witch? It doesn’t have any sand but it definitely tastes magical. Oh? This man and his daughter are looking at me. I hope it’s not cause they wanted this sand witch. I’ll bring them some. They look nervous. I’ll wag my tail so they know I’m nice. Ok, they look happier. I’ll just put my sand witch down in front of them. They’re not taking it. Oh! Pets! I love pets. I’m going to give them my favorite hello, lots of licks! The little girl is giggling and asking “can we keep it?” Of course they can keep it, I can find more food later! The man is saying he doesn’t see any tags. They want to play tag? I love tag! I’m going to tag the man. Oh! He’s picking me up! It’s like I’m flying! Where are they taking me? I hope it’s to see Pete Za. I’m still hungry. Oh, they’re taking me inside a building, this must be their home. My home is a cardboard box. I don’t go in buildings much. They’re showing me a bowl of water, normally I have to lick the puddles for this stuff! The man said tomorrow I’m going to a vet whatever that means and if I’m a good boy and I’m healthy I can live here and they’ll get me food and toys and a bed. Which is amazing cause I never had a bed, no one ever puts any in the big green boxes. What a great day. I saw Pete Za, ate a sand witch, played tag, drank water, and tonight I get to cuddle with humans. I think I’m going to get used to this.
This is why I don’t go to parties. This is the exact thing that I make up in my head when I get stressed out about socializing. Only this didn’t happen in my head. This happened for real. I actually just did that. Right out in the open. I backed away and tried to escape as subtlety as I possibly could but there’s no way no one noticed. Just playing the odds. If there’s let’s call it twenty five people at this party and everybody here has two eyes that’s FIFTY EYES that could have saw me! Fifty ears that could have heard me! What song was playing? Was it quiet enough for me to be heard, was there a lull at that exact moment? Why can’t I remember? Maybe I should ask someone. Obviously not if they saw me but ask like I saw someone else do it and was wondering who else saw. You know? Inconspicuous right? Yeah, right, but with my luck they will say something like “uh yeah, dude, I saw YOU do that.” Could you imagine that kind of embarrassment on top of this embarrassment? I think I’d literally die. Pass out minimum. And no I am NOT being dramatic, my social life started and probably ended here tonight. Wait, is Kyle Stevens looking at me funnny? Does he know? Did he see? Did someone tell him? Does he just think I’m weird? I just realized he probably sees me staring at him staring at me. Quick, look at something else. NOT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME! What is wrong with me? Ok let’s just walk to another room, and hopefully it won’t be full of people talking about me. This is the bathroom. Ok, better than nothing and now I’m alone to relax, or think too much, whichever comes first. Just breath. And someone is knocking, that didn’t last long. I’m just going to open it casually. Just someone done using the bathroom nothing to see here. Oh hey Kyle! (This can’t be really happening.) Oh you saw me rush here and got worried I was sick. No I just didn’t realize this was the bathroom to be honest. (Why did I just admit that free of charge) I was looking for my coat, I think I’m going to head out, too crowded here, not my scene. Oh? You’ll give me a ride? Are you sure? You don’t have to leave cause you feel bad for me. You want to? You’d rather hang out with me? Well yeah I’d like that too, let’s head out. (And not talk to anyone about me being here on the way out!)
Wonderful, just what I wanted to deal with today. Another wreckage of another spaceship piloted by another captain with more ego than common sense. Why would you even fly this close to the ground? Who are you trying to impress? What are you trying to prove? Do they even care that they just cost their superior’s superior’s superiors more money than I’ve ever seen? No of course not, they have another wild story to tell at the bar. Why should they care when they get to walk away from their bloody mess and some do nothing crew of mechanics and failed pilots like us will take clean it up. Regular schmucks like us will fix this ship or prep them another one if this one is toast for good. Why hold the star quarterback accountable for their actions when you have the JV team that you can throw under the bus to protect him. Well let me tell you something. I’m not doing this shit ever again. Mark my words. Before this happens again I will either finally get promoted to a flight crew or quit, and let me tell you right now wether I’m sent on a mission or I steal one of these bad boys for the ride home you’re all going to be cleaning up after my mess. I’m going to laugh and walk away while John Paul and George have to pick up all the scraps. Why are you looking at me like that? You can’t be that surprised, you must know it’s my dream to crash the ships not fix them. Is it not yours? Is it not all of ours? Seriously why are you staring? Why do you look horrified? Is muscles for brains behind me right now? What are you pointing to? Are you even listening to me?! I just want to vent, you must be sick of this shit to. I was going to listen to you next. Another ship just crashed in the distance? They can’t possibly expect me to be there, I’m still dealing with this disaster-piece from this morning. Surely they know we are already.. and that’s my phone.. I’m out. What do you think bud, ever want to steal and or crash one of these bad boys?
I don’t know how long I’ve been here. I feel like I’ve always been here and yet I feel like I just got here. I can’t see too far past the fog and the further I try to stray from here the thicker it gets. No matter how much I focus and pay attention I always get turned around and end up back here where I started. I’ve stopped trying. Now I observe. Hoping something or someone will be able to tell me where I am and how I leave. Only my biggest problem is that no one seems to notice I’m here. I see and hear all of them but no one sees or hears me no matter how loud I shout. Their lives go on uninterrupted. Men, women, children, people of all sizes and cultures. They all casually walk or run or bike or even drive by me as if they’re just passing through. Even the animals and the birds don’t seem to notice I’m always here observing them. I wonder if they even see each other. Are we all just lost, wandering, unaware of where we are or where we are going?