
Write a poem that addresses the theme of corruption. This is an uncommon theme to express poetically, so think about different types of corruption, and how they can best be explored through poetry.

Who’s To Trust?

Blood, sweat, and briny tears,

Dripping down the drain,

Swore to muffle fears,

But ruin the terrain.

Once power was mighty,

But now tricks the hearts,

Their system untidy,

Subtle apathy darts.

The shadows consume,

A cloud over earth,

An evil, dark gloom,

Greed’s its only worth.

A numbing parasite,

That eats at the potent’s flesh,

While the common with blind sights,

Follow as if lives aren’t threshed.

The conscious look on with blooming fear,

Unable to rest their throbbing heads,

Their cries will fall on deaf, ruthless ears,

And afterwards, we’ll all be brain dead.

But who’s to care?

Who’s to trust?

They don’t care,

We’re left to rust.

Forced to watch it arise in flames,

Fright and callousness the fire,

Our mouths taped, we cannot complain,

Demanded to obey the liars.

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