
In her room so still and wide, Elizabeth lays, her dreams untied.

A big girl now, in peaceful rest, Her own room, her cozy nest.

Soft whispers of the night time breeze, Carry her off to lands of ease.

No longer needing lights to keep, The darkness now is a friend to greet.

In her own space, she feels so grand, Among her toys and books so grand.

No more tears, no more gloom, Sweet Elizabeth, in her own room.

Her giggles fade, her breathing slow,

As deep slumber starts to glow.

In her world, she's strong and bright, Embracing dreams with all her might.

So hush now, as the moonbeam gleams, Over Elizabeth, in her room of dreams.

A big girl snug in her own cocoon,

Sleep tight, dear Elizabeth, until the morning looms.

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