Submitted by Freddie
Life Without You
Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.
Beginning, Middle, End.
Life without you.
A life I have lived.
Before your existence in my universe
And after you vanished.
Prior to you I did not know this feeling.
I dished it out.
I was the waitress. I served and delivered.
Familiar concepts that were unfamiliar to experience.
Ways I did not understand and did not wish to encounter.
You came around and sat me down.
Offering an experience.
Ways of living that my being took for granted.
Then began life after you.
Chasing the sensations you left in my head.
Nobody or anything could compare.
Slowly I began to realize how impactful you had been.
And how much I missed how you cared.
Now I don’t want it.
A life without you.
I’m unsure of the probabilities that things return to that glimpse I was given.
A life with you.