
Write a story that focuses on the theme of reflection. This could be self-reflection, a physical reflecton in a mirror, a reflection of light etc.

Refraction On Love

I’m sorry I don’t talk much. My words are all in my mind. The melodies of my thoughts scream so loud that I forget it can’t be heard by all. Know that I’ve thought about you day in and out. Know that I day dream about our seconds spent together.

I fear that my silence had guarded me back. That I have become my own road block on the journey of us.

The colors of the world blend together whenever you are around. The swirls of the moment engulf me in a life I never would have found. In and in I self reflect on how it could all go wrong. Breath. I tell myself. Look. I take a step back. Now.

“I really like going out with you.” The world calms. Like a big gulp of water on a hot day, I felt refreshed from the sound of your words.

“I feel the same way.” Clarity sparking my mind. The heat of the summer has seemed to fade colder and colder the more we get to know each other. Each day glows brighter when I hear the chime of your messages. I never knew this feeling existed. Movies, books, and music talked about a fondness I didn’t think I was ever going to see. Now that spirit is entangled in my hopes every time I hear your name.

“Again.” We once promised each other. Now again seems inevitable. Our paths were formed before our time. Our desires of the world were written in the same chapters, just paragraphs apart. The more we speak, the space between our lives seems to decrease.

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