You are convinced you can see mysterious figures lurking in the shadows. Write a poem about them.
Choose a specific style of poetry that would be suitable for this theme.
👤Silhouette👀 (Day 5 of titling a story after an Owl City song)
In the darkest shadows of my home
Two chilling silhouettes lurk alone
I try to catch them, but they are quick
They never fall for any of my tricks
Their amber eyes are bright with fire
Their razor claws sharper than briars
Black as night, they hide in the dark
I try to ignore them, but really it’s hard
They watch my every moment, no matter the business
Whether I’m working, resting, or up doing fitness
When I’m watching TV, they are there, beneath my couch
Even in bed, I can always sense that they’re around
They are a pair of cruel and vicious dark forces
They kill for sport, then scare me with the corpses
Of the tiny, helpless creatures who couldn’t escape
I fear one day I may face the same fate
And that’s not the worst of it, I’ll tell you what is
These monsters are destructive, and not only a little bit
They appear on the mantle to throw down my flowerpots
And lunge onto the table just to knock my food off
Shattered Christmas ornaments
Broken strings on instruments
Damaged wires and cracked plates
See what these monsters have done to my place?
Having visitors over is never any fun
When these dark creatures are always on the run
They scratch up strangers, and hiss at my friends
When on Earth will my misery end?
Ah, but I suppose
I suppose it’s not all bad
It was my own fault, it was them I chose
So when they get on my nerves, and I want to explode
I remind myself that it was I who gave them this home
For they are not really monsters, or demons, or even ghosts
They are only my cats
And I love them as my own