Write a story with a dual narrative in which one perspective is the protagonist's and the other is of the person stalking them.

The Usual

“Taxi!” I wave my arms down trying to flag a taxi cab down, but unfortunately at this time of night most of them are not in service. Lucky me. I really need to leave work earlier from now on since it’s getting dark quicker. Thank you time change! I wrap my jacket closer to me, walking briskly in the direction of my apartment. The cool, night air blows against my neck, but the chill stays long after it’s gone. I halt my steps, turning to look behind me, the hairs on my nape standing on end. There’s nothing there but the wind rustling the bushes and trees. I knew I should have gone home sooner. I’m becoming delirious from my lack of sleep and the fact that I think someone is here with me! I shrug and turn back to continue my walk home. It was odd though…the street was awfully silent. I didn’t see anyone or anything…not even an animal making a sound. Weird? Maybe there is someone else here. There’s no way I am the only person out right now…right? I pick up the pace, walking faster to my apartment gate, punching in the code and hearing the loud buzz as it opens for me, allows me to sigh in relief. Relief at what though? I’m fine. It’s only me and no one else is here. I press the elevator button and listen to the ding of it descending down to the ground level where I await it. It opens with a creak and I quickly get in and immediately press the close button, then my apartment level on floor five. The elavator rises slowly, dinging at each floor before halting on the number five and opening for my departure. I look outside of the elevator, no one is there. Wait…why would they be? What am I expecting? It’s late and anyone that would be out in the halls is probably a resident here. I shake my head, “Gosh what is up with me tonight?’ I mutter to myself, walking quickly to my apartment door. I jam the key into the lock and twist the handle quickly before turning to shut it just as quick as i did opening it, latching the knob and deadbolt locks. “Well that was uneventful,” I shrug out of my jacket and kick my shoes off by the door, making my way to a nice hot shower, now that I’m in the safety of my own home.

How unfortunate there are few taxis running right now. If I had a taxi I could give her a ride the next time she gets off of work late. Maybe tomorrow. She’s so cute. The way she wraps that jacket tighter like it will protect her better. Maybe from the wind. Not me though. She walks briskly down the street until suddenly she stops in her tracks. She turns, looking behind her, looking right at me. Except she thinks the greenery is the only thing keeping her company, and she fails to see me as I watch her from within the foliage. She shrugs and continues on walking, although she’s got more pep in her step now. We approach the apartment complex gate, she punches in the code quickly and slips in as soon as the gate opens. I watch as she walks to the elevators, waiting for it to come down, she looks around and behind herself as if she knows someone is there. But she doesn’t. Not yet. Soon she will. The elevator opens and she quickly hops inside, the doors shut just as quickly as they opened. The numbers continue to rise up to her apartment on level five. She’s out of sight now. She made it home safely. Good. Now that she’s safely inside I head to my place. I reach my door, unlocking it and kicking my shoes off, I head to my bathroom to take a relaxing cold shower. As the cold water rushes over me, i hear the usual quiet singing coming from the adjacent wall to my bathroom, and I lean my ear against the tile wall smiling as I listen to her entertain herself.

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