Good Poison Tastes Good

Not all that’s poisonous will kill quickly

Some toxins take more time

  It’s how we treat our mind and souls 

    Is how we prevent the cyanide 

Two slow poisons that will kill a soul

Is pure lust and jealousy 

  Lust will stop the powers of love

   Which breeds green eyed toxicity 

Jealous emotions hang on tightly

And lust will cause Obsession

 If you allow them both into your veins 

  It could kill your good impression 

Self doubt and lack of confidence

 Could poison the best of men

    If one doesn’t believe in oneself 

      Then one cannot defend

If one cannot defend themselves

 Then the poison will take hold

   All the regrets and self loathing 

     Will be there when they get old

Be careful what goes into your heart

Because good poison can taste good

   Be aware of your fragile soul 

      Only take in what you should  

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