Submitted by Skye Wander
Start your story with the words, “I was gone for five minutes! What happened here?”.
“I was gone for five minutes!
What happened here?”
Well, I ripped his eyes out.
I slit his throat open.
What’re you worried about?
It didn’t hurt him anyways.
At least not as much as it hurt
When he shattered my heart.
Broke me and painted me
back again, like a piece of art.
I ate his organs like spaghetti too.
Red sauce is running down my chin.
Fingers are sticky like smeared honey.
Tastes coppery and gives me chills.
Smells like iron, this could make a meal.
Aw, look at you.
So innocent and sweet.
Look at you now, babe.
Wrapped in a sheet.
Fuck with the wrong one,
And see what you get.
I promise it won’t be roses, darlin’.
Wilted and broken— just like me.