Write a story or scene that takes place in a theatre after the show has ended.
You could include characters from the cast, the audience, the stage crew… There are unlimited options of stories that can spark from an emptying theatre!
Absolutely not
Tiberius found his boyfriend alone in the theatre. The lights were off and the blackout curtains were drawn tight. It was like entering a cave.
Or a tomb.
“Great show tonight,” he said by way of greeting.
“You say that every night,” Aurius laughed, running a hand through his shoulder-length blond hair.
Tiberius smiled shyly, adjusting the strap of his messenger bag. “Are you ready to go?”
Aurius turned his gaze towards the empty auditorium. “Give me a minute.”
Tiberius waited a minute. And then another. And then another.
“Aurius,” he said quietly, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” his boyfriend said quickly, “nothing. I’m just… feeling sentimental.”
“Oh,” Tiberius sat himself down beside Aurius, “I see.”
They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes more until Aurius lent his head on Tiberius’ shoulder.
“I’m scared,” Aurius said finally, “I don’t want the show to end.”
“It’s not over yet,” Tiberius replied, casting his arm over Aurius’ shoulders and drawing him close. “You’ve another week to go.”
“I know,” Aurius whispered into Tiberius’ neck, sending goosebumps down his spine. “Still. I’m sad it’s going to have to end.”
“Everything ends,” Tiberius countered, “look at the Roman Empire.”
Aurius chuckled. “You’re comparing my acting career to the fall of Rome?”
Tiberius laughed at that. “Suppose I am?”
“Hmm,” Aurius tapped his chin thoughtfully, “that’s either an incredible compliment, or a terrible lie.”
“Can it be both?”
“Absolutely,” Aurius planted a kiss on Tiberius’ cheek, “not.”