In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.

What will you tell them?

New life

What the fuck do I do. I barely knew who I am with or what I would do with my life, let alone preach to thousands of people about what theirs is. I call myself down, thinking of what I could possibly say. Maybe I should just make an excuse that the speaker is sick. What if this is permanent though? Then I’m just delaying the nerves. I decide I have to do it. I decide to go with the little knowledge I have. I’m going to say the meaning of life is to have fun and find happiness. Find happiness in what you do, and in everything you do. Find happiness however it is necessary. I realize, I need to live more like this. I hate my job. There’s nothing special about it. I just sit at a desk all day doing, well, nothing. None of it matters. I am making a change right now. I’m going to deliver this speech like my life depends on it, because for all I know, it does.

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