Create a scene where two characters who dislike each other are forced to cooperate in a critical task.

Build tension and contempt between the characters whilst they work together, but do not resolve the conflict.


“This would never have happened if you had of just listened to me, your arrogance will get you killed one day.” I spat in his direction, not bothering to even look at him as I spoke.

“Killed? No, fucked? yes.” He retorted, his voice dripping with that, all too familiar, arrogance I had come to loathe.

“For once would you think about something other than sex? Do you realise the gravity of this situation?, or is lust clouding your judgement once again?” I pin him with my gaze, as I try to get him to focus.

His eyes dance with humour before he tips his head back cackling, a deep laugh from within his chest bellows out of him, “lust? You're beyond deluded. Do you think I could feel anything even remotely similar to that emotion in your presence?”, he spoke with a severity that made me flinch.

I ignored the twinge of hurt that came hearing his words, my god I detested him.

“Get fucked tate”, I spat back, with as much malice as I could muster.

“That an offer?” he replied, amused that his words had got to me this time.

“Becuase I wouldn't go near you if you were the last woman walking, you repulse me.” His eyes glazed with something I couldn’t read.

“You’ve made your fucking point, okay? I don’t need this from you, not now. Hold this while I try and jam this open, I know I can get it.” I said with force as I passed him my coffee cup.

His eyes sweeped my face as he took my words in.

“I tried that, there’s no point. Just sit back down, someone will come.” He said with a cool assurance.

“I’m not just gonna sit here and sweat to death, no thanks. I told you it was out of order, why would you drag me in with you?, just when I thought you couldn’t have any less brain cells.” I huffed as rage began to boil within me, I never did well with heat. And forced proximity with this _idiot, _to put it kindly, did my patience no favours.

“Meh, felt like it, I knew there would be a chance it would breakdown. I'll take any opportunity to see you suffer. Quit whining aswell, I can’t stand the way your voice goes high pitched when you’re frustrated.” He muttered, sipping his water.

“Oh yeah? Seems like a little too much attention you’re paying to someone you’re supposed to hate, you dick. And you wouldn’t have to hear this voice if you hadn’t of dragged me in here, funny you hate my presence and yet you forced yourself into my company.” I triumphed.

Anger morphed across his features, I was surprised I didn’t hear his teeth crack with the force in which he tensed his jaw muscle.

“Let’s get something straight Alyssa, I might tease you and I might be playful but don’t for a second think I could actually be interested in you. I’d much rather be buried in your bestie liv, that new hair too? Fuck my cock had never been so strained in my life.” He ended on a groan, his silver eyes swirled with amusement.

I swallowed the pinch of hurt that ensued his words.

“Sounding very defensive there tatey. You’ve misread me horribly, that low IQ really does you no favours. You’d rather olivia? Fine. I’d rather a uti than to have that thing you call a dick anywhere near me.” I drawled, stabbing him with each syllable.

Something carnal flickered in his eyes, not anger as such, but an intensity. For such a dumb guy, I hated the way I couldn’t read him.

After a few moments had passed he responded, annoyance in his tone, “Do not call me that Alyssa.”

After hours had passed I finally gave in and took my shirt off leaving me in my vest. Tate glanced in my direction, doing a double take on me, I didn’t miss the clench of his jaw.

why are my breasts so sensitive right now it’s boiling? I glanced down at myself, seeing the sight i quickly fold my arms, knocking my coffee cup over causing a thrash to sound.

Shit! I forgot to wear a bra today, I knew there was something I’d missed this morning.

Tate forced his gaze to me, “what’s up with you? You’re being more skittish than normal you freak.” He noted, dragging his gaze up the length of me in confusion.

“Nothing, thought I saw a spider,” I rushed, cursing myself for the way I pushed my cleavage together with my folded arms. Ugh I bet he thinks I’m trying to seduce him now, I need to unfold my arms. I gave in and lay down, I can worry about the bacteria ridden floor later.

“Give me some water please,” I asked Tate, forcing the nicest tone I could manage.

“Give? Quite a commanding word to ask for something, no? Ask nicely, Alyssa.” He mused, enjoying my blatant suffering as I lay with my cheek to the almost cold floor, attempting to escape the stifling heat.

“Please can I just have some of your water Tate, I’m begging.” I tried to hide the whine he so desperately hated from my voice.

“You call that begging? I’m sure you can do better than that, sounds to me like you don’t even want it.” He revelled as he watched my face screw up in frustration, enjoying every second of my suffering.

“Tate please, I’ll do anything at this point, please can I have a sip of water.” I said on a faint breath, feeling weaker by the minute. Fuck I don’t feel good.

“what’s up with you? Your skin is paler than usual, here just have some,” he said in a resigned tone, handing the bottle to me.

I tried to move my arm but no good came of it, “Tate I can’t move,” I said, worry evident in my tone.

“The fuck you mean you can’t move? God you’re melodramatic.” He huffed in annoyance, his eyes sweeping over me, something seemed to click in his mind that I wasn’t putting this on. “For fuck sake hold on, I’m just gonna feel your pulse.”

The blazing heat of the elevator was miniscule in comparison to the heat of his two fingertips pressed firm against my throat. Shit he’ll feel my pulse increase because of him, he cannot know.

I use all of my might to force his hand off of me, I manage to move my body away from him, why am I moving in slow motion right now?

God if this is it, I’ll sob.

“Alyssa I swear if you don’t stay put I’ll hold you down, let me check your pulse, I don’t need your death on my conscience.”

I managed to choke out the words, “Fuck off tate as if you care, I’m fine, just too hot,” I slur as I roll onto my back, ignoring his commands.

I accept he’ll feel my pulse spike due to his touch, I feel too shit to care. I think I’m gonna spew though.

Tate clears his throat, as he presses his fingers to my pulse point. “Fuck Alyssa this isn’t good, I need you to try and sit up,” he speaks in an authoritative tone, one that leaves me no room to argue.

“Tate I seriously can’t move I’ll spew, pass me the coffee cup I’ll have nothing to wear if I ruin this vest,”

He ignores my complaints as he moves my upper body with ease, setting me against the cool metal.

“Where’s your shirt from earlier ?” He speaks, calm but disinterested.

“It’s useless without my vest,” I rush out, praying he won’t probe further.

“Why?,” He asks, I hate the curiosity rising in his tone.

“It’ll rub on my fucking nipples otherwise, okay? And save the spew comments, I’m not in the mood,” I stated, feeling myself come back a little as the water seemed to hydrate me.

I don’t miss the way his eyes darken at my words, ugh the last thing I need is his pissy moods.

“I wasn’t even- , forget it.” He holds his fingers to my neck again, my eyes widen at the ease with which he touches me, “It’s rising, good, keep it steady. It’ll be dehydration, do you usually have fainting spells?” He asks in his professional voice, it unnerves me the way he switches from the tate I despise to.. something else. I hadn’t realised how close he was to me, until I’d become all too aware of his cologne, sandalwood and something else?

“What are you wearing?” I ask coolly.

He blinks rapidly before answering, “what are you talking about you creep?”, he responds, searching my face for an answer.

“cologne, which one is it?,” I ask brazenly. Why the fuck am I asking this shit? A part of me questions myself, I feel, tipsy? Almost.

“Fucked if I know, what are you my girlfriend?” He throws out, done with the conversation.

“You fucking wish tatey.” I mutter under my breath on a giggle, far too amused with myself.

“Fuck you grind my gears, Alyssa.” He comments, slumping next to me when he’s satisfied my pulse is acceptable. Why hasn’t he moved from me yet?

“That the only thing?” I question, full of confidence from god knows where.

“Did you not hear me earlier? You repulse me, don’t even insinuate that I could feel anything other than disgust for you,” he says with a passion that burns me.

“Mmhmm so you keep saying, so it wasn’t the talk of my nipples rubbing against my shirt that got you hard a few minutes ago then?” I must be fully blown hallucinating to say these things. This is incredibly out of character for me and Tate knows it.

Tate’s full lips part, ever so slightly, as he processes my words. Unlucky for him I notice his every movement. I smirk at his shock, loving that for once I caught him off guard.

“You’re dehydrated, you don’t know what you’re saying. Just Stop talking, save yourself the embarrassment for later on.” He says with finality, an unspoken warning to not push it.

But, I’m bored and I have nothing to do other than push it.

“Olivia likes you by the way, thought you should know seeing as you feel the same. She didn’t know when to make a move. Busy man that you are,” I said, pretending to check my nail bed’s.

“Huh? When did I say I liked liv?” He turned to me, his gaze fleeting but intense.

“Oh yeah I’m the delusional one, earlier? You said your-“ I cough to try and overcome my discomfort. I didn’t need the world to know I hadn’t had sex, I did my best to come across as though I had done but right now I couldn’t be more obvious in my inexperience.

His eyes flit with amusement, he feigns confusion, forcing me to repeat his words from our earlier conversation, “My what, Alyssa?”

“Your cock had never been so strained in your life.” I forced the words out my mouth, my cheeks heating at the obscenity of the sentence, and from the fact I had actually just repeated it.

Tates eyes dance over my face, his expression an array of emotions. The only one I can decipher, one I never could have seen coming.


“You say that word as though you never have before, Alyssa. Am I correct?” He questions, his body now towards me, I squirmed at the intimacy of his question.

I adjust my vest pulling it over my stomach, underestimating just how stretchy the material was. I glanced down at the result of my innocent action. My breasts spilt out my vest, undeniably now on show.

“Fuck” I muttered under my breath.

“Alyssa I swear if you move an inch more I’ll have no hesitation in putting them in my fucking mouth.”

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