Describe a strong emotion without saying what it is.

You could use metaphors and creative description, or you could focus on what your senses perceive when you are feeling this emotion.

How To Hide From The Truth

At first, you convince yourself otherwise, caught in a delicate dance of self-deception. You smile at everyone, hoping that they smile back, but they never do. Calling people by their names becomes a desperate attempt to forge bonds, but that borrowed warmth fades along with your forced smile. You walk with your head down, your ears covered, attempting to hide yourself from sights and sounds, to escape the truth. It’s when you’re in the safeness of your room that reality crashes down upon you. You might cry or you might just sit in silence, allowing the truth to hit you repeatedly. Words remain unspoken, you never talk, never look. In crowds of people, you stand apart, a whisper carried by the wind and it reminds you, "You have no one." And so, the ache of isolation becomes your closest friend and it stays with you forever. You’ll never admit it, even though it’s obvious: You’re alone. You’re alone. You’re alone.
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