Inspired by Shadow Queen

'I've created a monster'...

Write a poem that is centred around this line.


With thoughts in my head,

and words out of my mouth,

Iā€™ve learned they wonā€™t like me,

even if I donā€™t head south.

Iā€™ll watch my words,

theyā€™ll still find flaws.

Itā€™s torture, really,

while I wait for it all

to crumble,

to give them

a reason

not to hate

little old me.

But I guess

thatā€™s how

itā€™s going to be.

Iā€™ve talked too much,

Iā€™ve lashed out just enough

for my past to define me.

My life was never rough

until someone gave me

a definition of what Zain means.

Nobody cared

to let Zain define herself,

because youā€™ll learn,

monsters are crazy,

canā€™t think for themselves.

Sometimes even,

theyā€™ll think too much,

and that became a reason

why theyā€™re looking at you

sideways, wondering

what happened to the old Zain.

Why canā€™t you be happy?

Ignore the pain

of being a teenager,

Itā€™ll be gone in a few years.

Yeah, well, will the tears?

Thinkingā€™s supposed

to be educational,

but unless the lesson

is the anatomy of a monster,

thatā€™s a class we just be messing

around in like hooligans.

Because monsters

are made

from the minds

of people like me.

People like Zain.

People who canā€™t

write poetry without

blowing up

into little free verse,

people who live

inside their own curse.

Thereā€™s people here,

the first ingredient to a monster.

Overthinking comes next,

like boiling a lobster.

Wait for a moment.

Just let the chaos be.

Iā€™ve created a monster,

and Iā€™m afraid to say itā€™s me.

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