Submitted by Benjamin Linus

Create a poem around the theme of sonder.

Sonder is the realisation that everyone is living their own complex lives even if you aren’t aware of them.

Hey There Darling

Hey there darling, Take the smile of your face I know you’re not okay I can see it in your trace You don’t have to be The perfect person they want You can just be yourself And no one else will taunt I look when no one’s looking And your facade fades away You let out a deep sigh I wish there was something I could say Come with me To a special place I think you’ll like it It’s called The Blank Space Let all your worries go And don’t regret a choice For you will always be in my heart And you will always have a voice Hey there darling, You will be okay Even if it doesn’t feel like it Because there will always be another day To Izzy, Lyla, Nouky, and Rosie
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