Write the story that leads to this prompt
An Accident...or was it!
How could he just leave like that? We had a pact. We were supposed to do this together. But little did I know it was all a lie. How could this happen? What happened?
Now putting aside all of that I still need to prepare my famous Christmas dinner for my whole family, who are all supposed to be here in the next two hours. If I am going to get this right I need to put all of my anger and hate aside and get cooking.
So I did... for the first ten minutes until the scene where he told me he couldn’t do this anymore and walked out on us. Oh and by us I mean his baby. I’m pregnant with his child and he just walked out on me. We were supposed to tell all my family together. What are they going to think when I tell them I’m pregnant and he just walked out. They’re going to think that the home is now too unstable for the child to grow up in and take the baby away from me. No. They can’t do that. They’re not going to do that. Besides my family who live hours away, this baby is the only family I have got now. I am NOT letting this baby go anywhere. It’s mine.
While all of these thoughts flooded my mind I lost all concentration of what I was doing. Is that smoke? I quickly turned around and the whole oven was on fire. How did I not notice this before? Oh my god. I let him get the better of me and now not only is there a massive fire but the dinner is ruined. Oh no what are my parents going to think. There will be no doubt that they will want to take my child away. But I’m now starting to believe them. How am I supposed to raise a child for what... 18 years, if I can’t even cook a Christmas dinner.
Oh I did it again I started rambling, and now the fire has spread from the oven to the whole of that side of my kitchen. So I quickly ran to the phone and dialled 911. I then hung up and waited for them to turn up. I sped over the my room and grabbed all of my important possessions. I made sure I left his stuff in there they can be burnt to ashes for all I care. That’s one way to erase someone from your life. Fire. Bolting down the stairs I ended up outside of the building. It looked absolutely... beautiful. Or was it just me.
A few minutes later, the police and fire department showed up. They ran straight into the building. Evacuating everyone that was clueless to what was happening and rescuing the ones that were trapped. All I managed to think about was why this all happened. If I’m being brutally honest I’m kind of happy that this happened. Goodbye!