Elevator Shaft

"Wait. So you are saying we are all gonna die?!" Sandra yells out, but then immediately hushed by Roy.

"Yes! And we will get killed faster if you keep yelling!" Roy hushes and looks for a way out the elevator shaft. As he is looking, something falls from the top of the shaft.

"What is that?" Victoria says, walking closer to inspect the mystery item. Roy walks closer too, until he realizes...

"That's a grenade!" Roy pushes Victoria away from it.

"Don't touch me, perv!" Victoria screams.

"We're all gonna get blown to bits!" Sandra tries crawling up the walls, with obviously no luck.

"We are not going to die!" Roy tries to reassure, with no luck. Why did he have to get stuck in this shaft with the two stupidest people in the world? A popular cheerleader names Victoria and 10 year old Sandra. Why is it always him?

As he is thinking this, the two girls are screaming so loud Antartica could probably hear it.

After about a minute of them screaming (except Roy), Roy walks over to the grenade because if it was active, they would be dead right now.

"Oh my god..." He says annoyed. The girls look over with questioned faces, finally quiet. "The pin isn't even pulled."

"WHAT!?!?!" The two girls say at the same time, annoyed that they were frightened for no reason.

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