
god, i like you.

the way your hair falls in your face

and your pretty blue eyes

i shouldn’t be looking

and i don’t want to look,

but i do.

every time i walk out of class

i look for you.

straining my head around

because there’s a little rush in my stomach

each time i see you

for no apparent reason.

your smile, wide and joyful

i think you’re so cute

i can’t help but smile,

watching you across the room.

your silly little personality

goofy and crazy

and i love it.

you’re shy and quiet most of the time

but you can be weird

and i love that about you.

i love both kinds of you.

these feelings,

i don’t know how i got them.

it’s like i was walking into the wind,

and the wind sailed them into my heart,

my heart

that is slowly knitting them together.

knitting together your hair and your eyes and your smile and your silliness and your shyness and all of you

all into something

a beautiful feeling.

and i feel this feeling in my stomach

i feel it when i look back at you in the hallway

when i see your pretty smile across the room

when you’re acting silly

or when you mess up and you get shy

i have this feeling

and i don’t know if i want it to go away.

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