Night In

Aaron peeked his head into the house. "Mom?" he called.

Lyric came from the kitchen. "Yes dear?"

"I have someone for you to meet." he whispered.

"Is it the lucky lady I've heard you fawning over?" Lyric gasped.

Aaron opened the door more and there she was. "Mom, this is Blossom. The love of my life."

"Oh, Blossom! My son better be treating you nicely!" she exclaimed.

"He is, Ms. Maupin. You can count on that." Blossom smiled.

"Wait, my mom's your teacher? Never mind, let's go to my room, Blossom." Aaron walked her to the stairs and turned back around to Lyric. "Mom, um, do you mind if she and I have a sleep over tonight? With a few other friends maybe too?"

"Of course not. It's Friday, tomorrows Saturday, its totally fine." Lyric replied. "I'll go make cookies."


Blossom sat at the end of Aaron's bed with him right beside her. Her best friends, Lori and Riya, sat on her other side. Aaron's best friends, Mike, also Lori's boyfriend, and Walter, Riya's boyfriend, sat on his other side.

"So, I heard you and Aaron were finally dating." Lori whispered happily.

Blossom laughed. "Yes, we are."

Lori's and Riya's eyes lit up. "We're so happy for you!"

"Shh, please. It's not that big of a deal." Blossom stated.

"Of course it's a big deal." Mike broke in. "You're dating the best gentleman here. Nothing is more important then that."

Aaron tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. She turned to him. They both stared at each other for a while. They both blushed and looked away.

"Kiss kiss kiss." Lori and Riya whispered together.

Aaron turned back to her and moved closer, putting his hand over hers. Blossom's face turned red.

"You've kissed him before, come on!" Lori exclaimed.

Blossom flipped her head around and kissed him, closing her eyes. Aaron closed his too. Eventually they pulled away.

"Woah, Blossom, that was-" Aaron started.

Blossom smiled. "The best kiss ever..."

"Exactly." Aaron smiled.

"You two are so _cute_!" Lori shouted. "Why don't you kiss _me_ like that Mike?"

"Want me to try?" Mike sneered.

"Oh, please!" Lori practically lunged at him.

He pulled her in and they kissed.

Walter cautiously reached for Riya's hand. She noticed and slid hers forward. They entertwined their fingers and Walter yanked her closer. She landed lying in his lap and he leaned down to kiss her.

"Everyone's so adorable..." Lori said dreamily.


"Okay, who's ready for spin the bottle?" Lori asked.

"Us." Riya smiled at Walter.

"Me and Blossom too." Aaron whispered.

"Anything for you babe." Mike said.

"Good. I'll go first..." She spun the bottle quickly.

It landed on Riya.

"Oooo, this is gonna get spicy. Come 'ere Riya. I won't do anything too crazy with your girlfriend, Walter don't worry."

Riya laughed a little and leaned closer to Lori. Lori leaned forward and quickly pecked her on the cheek before sitting back again.

"Blossom, you go next." Lori said.

Blossom reached forward and spun it. Fortunately it landed on Aaron. She took a breath of relief and kissed him.

"Riya, your turn." Lori whispered.

Riya spun the bottle. It landed on Mike.

"Oh, that's not fair!" Lori pouted. "Don't do too much, Riya."

"Don't worry." She leaned forward, kissed him and backed off.

Blossom head burned. _Not now!_ She screamed in her head. "I-Ill be right back." she got up.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Aaron got up.

Blossom gripped her stomach. "It's better you don't." she croaked in pain.

"Okay..." he sat back down.

Blossom hurried from the room and into the bathroom. Everyone was left stunned.

"Is she sure she's okay?" Riya asked nervously.


Lyric whistled and walked upstairs. The plate of fresh cookies shifted in her hands. She reached Aaron's room and opened the door.

"Cookies are ready! Where should I put them?"yric asked.

"Just here, mom. Thank you." Aaron whispered.

Lyric placed them down. "Where's Blossom?"

"She left to the bathroom holding her stomach." Lori replied.

Lyric raised her eyebrow and left. She went to the bathroom door. She slowly turned the handle.

Inside, Blossom panicked and leaped into the bathtub.

Lyric pushed the door open and looked around. "Are you sure? She doesn't seem to be in here."

Aaron rushed out of the room and to her side. "What do you mean? We heard her just a few minutes ago!"

"Well, how about you and your friends look around the rest of the house. I can try and search here again." Lyric suggested.

"We can do that. Come on, guys." Aaron waved his hand and everyone followed him.

Lyric slipped into the bathroom and made sure they were gone before closing the door. She cautiously locked it and turned around. "They're gone, Blossom. You can come out."

Nothing moved. Lyric sighed. "I'm sorry you have this talent Blossom, but please, you can talk to me."

A sleek black cat stepped out of the tub. "Are you sure?" it asked.

"I'm sure, dear." Lyric smiled.

The cat leaped onto the toilet. "Why are you so calm about this? I'm a freak. I hate being able to shapeshift. It always starts with a headache and then I shift."

"I'm calm because I've seen it before."

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