Write a story set on an island that is inaccessible at high tide.

Some islands have land bridges during low tide, but this means that they are isolated once the tide has risen. What could happen in a place like that?

An abandoned Island

Henry burly and Theresa Burly, have been dating for ten years and are planning on getting married on June 29th Wednesday on a island called Virgin Islands and they are packing their bags to catch their flight they have finally reached their destination and got settled into their five star hotel for the first night they will be staying there.

They are feeling happy and excited about getting married until suddenly someone knocks on their door and broke the door down with a dangerous weapon in his hand his name is Brady the couple, has become so afraid of this guy sweat started rolling down on their foreheads.

The couple, go outside to an isolated island where there’s no one who can help them for miles they hatch up a plan to escape from the serial killer who plans to take their lives.

They are getting in a boat to get away from the murderer who is trying to do everything in his power to get ahold of them and never let them leave alive, they are in so much danger until they see the one person who can save their lives they see a guy named Nick and he is willing to help them get off this island once and for all.

They all were getting ready to see if they could hide somewhere safe, until Brad caught them and killed them without remorse because he is a cold blooded killer who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

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