A Long Well Lit Place

The door revealed a long tall narrow corridor that spanned in either direction, and despite being well lit neither side seemed to have a visible end. My brow began to sweat under the weight of choosing which to go or wether to turn back and barricade this door. I stepped into the brutal liminality of the space with an odd sensation of tranquility washing over me.

The hall completely featureless every so many feet light defused from the ceiling in a masterful display of lighting. The ceiling giving no border or panel lines breaking up the appearance of a monolithic structure aside from the borderless rectangles of light the shined down. The walls smooth, gray, and hard went on for as far as my eyes could possibly see before burring at the fringes of my ability to see.

Who had made the structure I could not begin to guess, how they made it I couldn’t fathom. I would have thought such an incredulous structure couldn’t be kept discreet. Why was this here? I wish I knew at that time as I decided which way to go. I should have just went back and shut that door forever. I should have never gazed at the secrets beneath the ground that day.

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