Just some characcters


Name: Justin

Physical Description: red-head with grey eyes. Has a robot arm and always wears a belt with a dagger.

Home: Stormshell

Past: He was born to a single father in the town of Stormshell. His father was never around much to take care of him, so he had to do everything for himself: cook, clean, and read his own bedtime stories. As he grew older, his father stopped showing up at all and he was forced to live alone. He still managed to keep everything in line. At this point in his life, he was considered an adult by many in the town. Only the small group of town leaders did not. Now, he's twenty with more experience then anyone else...and some friends.


Name: Oscar

Physical Description: Brown hair with brown eyes with a single scar over the bridge of his nose and purple spots over his body.

Home: Oldwater

Past: He was born from a large ancient stone and was raised by the scientists studying it at the time. As he grew up, he was tested on constantly, eventually forcing him into a state of pure madness, which made him run away. He soon stumbled into the hill-nestled town of Oldwater. There, he was accepted in. But at a cost. A few of the town leaders didn't want him there. They claimed they didnt know him, and that he could end up being dangerous. But everyone else seemed to want him there, especially his new friends.


Name: Chris

Physical Description: Black hair and blue eyes. Always has at least one wolf with him.

Home: Heartward

Past: He didn't have the best past. His parents practically forced him to live outside. He was raised by some wolves who found him outside their den instead. When he was a teenager, the wolves took him back to the town and showed him to his birth parents, who still rejected him. Looking past that and forgiving them, he decided to stay with Heartward and built his own house to live in. Even though his parents turned a few people against him, he stayed and ignored them all. His courage gained him respect and some friends.


Name: Liam

Physical Description: A scar over one eye and another running down his arm. Blond hair and green eyes. Never goes anywhere without the necklace his mother gave him.

Home: Swancall

Past: Liam was the troublemaker kid, he drew on walls, stole from the cookie jar, and bullied other kids. As he get older he did much worse: he broke into stores, burned a few houses down, and even killed a few people who got in his way. All this got him thrown into jail. He quickly became the leader of everyone there and led them to a failed escape attempt. Later, he was brought to a much worse prison facility and there tortured. He was released after five years. Now twenty-one, he tries to live his best life. Without crime.


Name: Savannah

Physical Description: She has white hair with two multi colored eyes. Always wears a cloak and carries a staff.

Home: Clearside

Past: She had everything she ever wanted. Her home in Clearside was posh and very large. She was respected for her parents wealth and lived in their shadow. However, she wasn't very happy. She didn't want this life, some kids even made fun of her. As she grew older and moved out, she rejected any money her parents sent her and built herself up. She gained even more respect by doing this and felt accomplished. Nobody looked down upon her again. Especially her new friends.

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