
When people say that I am blue

I’m not quite sure what they can mean.

That’s not the color of my skin or clothes;

My hair is brown; my eyes are green.

Maybe they mean I’m like the sky?

So wide and open, vast and free?

I must admit I rather like the thought-

There’s worse that I could be.

They could have meant the ocean waves-

That rich and soothing, calming hue.

I wouldn’t mind the strength and depth I’d have,

If I were that intense a blue.

Am I a blue jay? Brash and bold?

Calling out for all to hear?

I’d love to have a voice so strong and firm

To make my words and meaning clear.

Don’t call me blue;I can’t be sad

When I see birds and sea and sky.

When I say blue, I the chance for me

To sing, and swim, and fly.

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