High above the city- Where the lonely falcon flies, Where the wind sweeps clouds before it, And jets scream across the skies-
And higher still, As midnight blue turns black, The stars shine clear and steady. Now gravity can’t call us back.
Not higher now, but further! Past moon, and on to Mars, And out into the asteroids- A solar system’s ancient scars.
Than past the planets, So far, far, far from home- A Voyager flung outward With a universe to roam.
It’s all above the city- If you only raise your eyes- So lift your head, and clear your mind Then date to see the stars.
I stand at the center of the universe- But so do you. So how shall our two spheres collide? My horizon might out run the one you see And yours might push my world all askew.
But they both exist, one atop (alongside, through, between) The other- Along with bubbles of reality belonging to All the people you have never met.
So many universes to crowd your view. How will you see your horizon through the haze? Will all the bubbles burst, one day, And let our views over run? Blending, morphing, melding my reality- And yours.
Where will the edges of the universe be then?
The magic of the heart of fire Is found within a dance- Leaping, beating, pounding, heating- In patterns that entrance.
The magic of the breath of air Is called through song and voice- With verse and rhyme, and thought sublime A calling to rejoice.
The magic of pure water’s soul Is caught within a tear- That’s shed for grief, and for relief, Joy, pain, and hope held dear.
The magic of the mountain vast Is hid within your bones. They hold you tall, whate’er befall- Your strength before unknowns.
In you, all magic of the world Spins out from shining core- It is your drive, your joy alive- Your treasure to explore.
When people say that I am blue I’m not quite sure what they can mean. That’s not the color of my skin or clothes; My hair is brown; my eyes are green.
Maybe they mean I’m like the sky? So wide and open, vast and free? I must admit I rather like the thought- There’s worse that I could be.
They could have meant the ocean waves- That rich and soothing, calming hue. I wouldn’t mind the strength and depth I’d have, If I were that intense a blue.
Am I a blue jay? Brash and bold? Calling out for all to hear? I’d love to have a voice so strong and firm To make my words and meaning clear.
Don’t call me blue;I can’t be sad When I see birds and sea and sky. When I say blue, I the chance for me To sing, and swim, and fly.
Take a coal, an ember burning bright That dash of drive, alive, that fire-in-the-night. But fire alone cannot prevail And will flicker, falter, fail- So send a gentle breath on by A breezing, teasing, dance-the-sky To stoke the fire higher still- And tie it strong and fast to will. But fire and air a danger pose; An inferno only grows and grows; To bank the storm of fire and air It’s time to add a cup of care. Fire inspires, but it’s blinding flash Must now be cooled, else all is ash. The caring, daring, cooling heart Let’s inspiration flow to art And rushes, gushes empathy From heart to hand, and shore to sea. But fire, air, and water all Yet whirl, swirl, collapse and fall. They have no form, and cannot be; Ungrounded, ‘seed’ will never grow to ‘tree.’ Layer earth beneath the flow Then let water, air, and fire go. So four will dance, entrance, and blend- Your dream is now reality, my friend.