To Forget

She forgets

Loses her memory

And her ghost

Slowly fades

From existence

And I live beside her footstep

Where her figure should stand

Where it could

Where it would’ve 

But no one understands

It’s etched deep in my soul

Crested in my bones

She can’t leave

She’ll always hold my hand

Even if it’s stone and stone

She’s there,

No one else can see

But I hear her words inside my head

I know just how she would be

They think it’s best to leave her

I don’t need that girl beside me

But I clench my heart

And she won’t leave

She has to stay here

She has a place

It’s written before I was here,

It was destined

For her to be

I can’t stop it from being there

I’m just the one chosen

To see

Try and teach me to forget 

She’s not matter, not skin and bone

But her name is etched in mine

I know her every part

Every word and small gesture

I could tell you so much

Her heart squeezes mine

Our grip together so tight,

We couldn’t let go if we wanted to,

It’s like our hands turned to stone

And they won’t break apart 

So try and teach me to forget

But that girl will never go

From my mind to mouth

I could try to explain

But they’ll just never know

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