A Mystery In History

A group of teenagers stumble upon something they shouldn’t have and you have to keep reading to find out what it is. By the way, the teenagers are Lucas and Henry their parents are

Cops and Lucas and Henry are also cadets and are going to be cops. Stay tuned to find out what happens.

Hey Lucas, what time is it? Ummm 9:02. WAIT 9:02 WERE GONNA BE LATE, LUCAS, HURRY UP! go downstairs and find mom and dad. Why would they be downstairs though. I don’t know they might be making breakfast or something??!!!!! AND DO IT QUICKLY.

Ummm, henry, we have a small problem. What? Mom and dad aren’t downstairs and I checked their bedrooms and they weren’t there either. Umm, ok stay calm they probably just went to work and left us. Well, when I went up to there room their sheets were off the bed completely and the ceiling fan was at maximum capacity and almost flew off the ceiling. Oh, and also there were 2 shattered plates in the kitchen. Well we could go to the department and ask them if they have seen mom and dad, and if they haven’t seen them we have much bigger problems.

Hey, officer Josh have you seen our parents. No, why. Well when I woke up I told Lucas to go downstairs and go look for mom and dad. But when I got downstairs and I also found 2 shattered plates, and when I went upstairs the sheets were scattered across the floor. What do you think happened to them. It must have been COPNAPPING. cop-what? Copnapping, it’s kinda like kid napping, but for cops. Ok, aannnnyyyyywwwwaaaaayyyy WHERE ARE OUR PARENTS???? I DONT KNOW WHY ARE WE YELLING!!!!!!!!!! Ohh sorry, but can you help us. Well you guys are still cadets and this could be EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Please officer we can prove we don’t have to be cadets anymore. Come on I mean I want you guys to come, but I have never brought a cadet on an actual crime, but I real want you guys to learn so I’m going to take you, BUT YOU CAN NNNOOOOTTTT GET OUT OF THE CAR!!! Ok, we won’t just let us come please we want to find our parents. Ok, we’re about to go to Severn Court, the most dangerous place in the state. This place is where all the criminals have there, let’s just say “hideouts”. Did you just say “hideouts”? Yes, but anyway what are you not allowed to do. Get out of the car, yeah, yeah no one cares talk about cool stuff. Can we hear some stories. Henry your not taking this seriously this is extremely dangerous! And Henry if you get out of this car you are going to be in serious danger. Ok I’m sorry I was just really excited about my first day. Ok we just got here STAY IN THE CAR!!!! Ok!!!!!

Yeah, we’re getting out of the car, but Lucas he said no so we can’t get out, yeah but he won’t know. Lucas what if we get lost or something, this is a bad neighborhood, so obviously you know I’m 2 years old than you and once when you were just born dad was driving home from a restaurant or something, but we passed by this place and saw a 10 car pileup, so trust me please don’t get out. C’mon dude don’t be a wimp or m getting out the car and you can too. Uuuggghhhh Lucas you are going to kill me!!!! Come on we can follow officer Josh we are not going to drive 4 hours here and not get out of the car. You know I don’t like getting in trouble and this is TRESSPASSING. we’ll be fine we are also going to get in this weird wood house. LUCAS COME OOONNNN!!!!!! Henry I don’t care do you want to find mom and dad or not. Fine but this is all your fault.

Hey ah Lucas, Lucas come over here I found something creepy.

There was some really weird it was engraved in of the legs of a chair so… uh yeah I’m just gonna keep going…

What is that!!! Ok how about we take the leg of this chair and leave back to the car ok. Hey little chumps where do you think your going. AHHHHH, wh-o-o are y-y-you and w-what do you want. Sorry we were just looking for, our parents. Oh Michael and Layla. they’re your parents yeah well they are in the hands of the worst criminal in the whole country. Ok sorry we will leave we are so sorry that we trespassed. NOW LLLLEEEEAAAAVVVVEEE!

Henry starts crying and says. Lucas I am so sorry I should have never told you to go in there. Dude, of course I am mad at you, but you found something that could lead us to some type of treasure or something, But Lucas I am still so sorry we could have died. Your good Henry I’m your brother whatever you do your always going to be my brother, and if you would have died you’re not going to die without me by your side.( Henry stops crying, sniffles and says) thank you bro. No problem. Wait, where’s offic- FREEZE!!! Drop your weapons and put your hands up and come out of the house. What do you want you fool. Michael and Layla. Who in the world is that? Lucas and Henry’s parents, I’m no fool I Know you have them. Jack bring ‘em to the car, I’m gonna check the house. Michael, Michael!!(knocks, muffled) I’m hear! Keep knocking!!!!! ( knock, knock, knock). Oh my gosh, what happen- heeyyy Josh, hi Mike! Yeah, yeah,yeah, nice talk but let’s leave now!!!!! Henry, Lucas I said stay in the car!!!!! Jack let us out. Oh,(cough)okay.

Can you guys go in jacks car I have to take the rest of them down to the department. Ok!

Hey uh Jack can you keep a secret, uh yeah what is it but when we say this you cannot overreact. Ok I won’t. We went in one of the houses but we found something and we think it leads to like a treasure or something can you help us find it I think the words are in Japanese. OH!!! I studied Japanese for 4 years I know everything about Japanese. Ok, so when we get to your house can you read it to us?yeah.

Ok, read it, read it, read it, read it, ppppplllleeeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok it says: the treasure is on horror st.. well that’s pretty straightforward, ok we can go there right now, but doesn’t that sound a little creepy. Oh trust me I have been down that road many of times it’s completely fine it is actually the opposite of horror st. The name was made to scare people off it’s an old legend or something I don’t know! Ok, sadly I have to trust you.

Ok we’re here. So you’re right it looks completely normal. Ok so there has to be an x or something. Hey look that is grandma’s old house should we ask to come in, sure! Hello is anyone in there? Try to ring the doorbell, oohh good idea. Wait, it’s open! Ok open it. There is a dynamite with a note inside it, it says HAHA YOU HAVE BEEN PRANKED THAT CHAIR LEG MEANS NOTHING BY THE WAY IF THIS IS 2 TEENAGERS AND A COP THIS IS GOING TO EXPLODE IN 1 MINUTE AND LUCAS, HENRY, AND JACK DONT TELL ANYONE YOU WERE HERE, 3,2,1,(BOOM!!!!)

**The end!!!!!!!!!!!!!**

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