Write a descriptive narrative about the world your novel is set in.

Step away from your main plot and consider how the world shapes your story. If your story takes place somewhere familiar (like the world today), focus on which elements of it will play into your story.


It’s not the fire and brimstone they would have you believe. It feels like an enclosed space beneath something, such as a basement. The difference it is vast. There is nature as it is on Earth. Plants, bodies of water, sky, soil exist in the same manner. However, there is a pit of molten lava with long sturdy shackles made of Schmeckle, a non-Earthly element attached to the earth surrounding the pit, meant to hold any wayward angels just above the lava. That is punishment for them.

Those in Hell live as they would on Earth, but there’s no death nor any catering to living needs. You sleep, fight, play games. Any injuries are temporary, sometimes debilitating impairments that render you weaker during that time. It’s a problem because anything you claim as yours can be taken if you can’t defend it.

There’s not much to have but location is useful, just more comfort if you’re not near the fiery pit. Boundaries are set and defended in anyway each party agrees to. There’s never any real reason to get outside parties to intervene. If they do, it becomes a problem if Devil personally has to be bothered. Anyone involved, is punished.

Punishments include joining the military and fighting wars against God as Devil fancies regaining access to and even control of Heaven. Nobody thinks it’s a winning situation because they’ve never come close to winning, only suffering at God’s hands.

When humans end up in hell, they don’t really know they’re in hell. Their bodies no longer exist. Their soul interacts in what appears to be Earth. They lack their traditional five senses that would differentiate real Earth from Hell. Whenever they realize the atrocities around them, they just think “The world is going to hell in a hand basket “ when they’re actually already there. The good experiences such as people being good humans still exist but not as a constant. There’s no concept of time so nobody knows how often anything happens. They just know it happens.

Imagine spending eternity in a world that seems largely familiar, your past life and world forgotten, but you can’t put your finger on it. Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does this feel so familiar?”? It’s probably because it is feel familiar. As you read this story, try to place yourself in the shoes of the main characters who have left Earth but are accidentally in Hell with the goal of leaving.

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