Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
The Box
The moon sits high in the sky looming over the sleepy town of Bridgewater. Just outside the city two rugged men stand outside of a house hidden in the trees.
“Sullythis the house?” One of the men says.
“You doubting my memory Bobby? I seen the man here walking in with a nice ole box had to be something nice. He was trying to be all sneaky-like.” Sully assures Bobby.
Bobby lets out an anxious breath. “Alright then let’s be quick.” He puts his hand down on his holster. The two crouch down to obscure their approach. Shifting from shadow to shadow the men get to the front steps and Sully steps up first. A loud creak echoes on the steps. Sully tenses up and looks at Bobby. “Quiet.” Bobby fiercely whispers. They continue attempting to make as little noise as possible. Bobby inspects the front door noticing that it unlocked. Bobby and Sully look at eachother, Sully gives a thumbs up. Bobby gets a feeling of uncertainty as the door slowly opens and the two enter the house. Inside the house is dark faint moonlight peeking in the windows illuminate the front room. There is a staircase to the right of them and the living room is cluttered with furniture. There are trophy’s of animal heads adorning the walls of the home. An awful smell fills the room assaulting their senses. Sully pinches his nose. Looking around they can see the kitchen on the other end of the front room. Bobby points at Sully and directs him to go upstairs. Sully shakes his head in disapproval and then directs Bobby to go upstairs. Bobby’s eyes widen in frustration. Sully rolls his eyes and continues in the front room carefully stepping over the items cluttered in the house. “Sully.” Bobby growls in frustration. Sully continues into the front room curiously investigating some of the items. Bobby reluctantly looks at the steps then slowly takes a step up it. Bobby’s hand grips his holster tightly. Another step up the stairs. The stairs cry out as the creak echoes throughout the home. Bobby hesitates looking at the top of the steps. The top felt like miles away. Bobby slowly takes another step. The stairs remain silent. Bobby steps up, but this time a loud crash echoes from downstairs. Bobby looks down then back up the stairs. Bobby hastily gets the rest of the way up the stairs seeing the towering dark silhouette of a man in the hallway. Bobby is unable to move his feet. He withdraws his revolver from his holster and points it at the silhouette.
“D-don’t move.” Bobby’s voice cracks.
The silohuette puts its hands up.
“That’s right.” Bobby takes a step forward trying to control the shaking in his legs. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back and we’ll make this quick.” Bobby’s hand trembles.
The silhouette obeys.
“Get down on your knees.” Bobby’s voice began to ooze with confidence.
The silhouette goes down to one knee.
“Both of em.” Bobby inches toward the man.
“You good up there?” Sully’s voice comes from downstairs.
Bobby stops but still keeps his revolver pointed at the silohuette. “Yeah I got the guy up here.”
The silhouette takes Bobby’s moment of distraction jumping up and charging Bobby. The man grabs Bobby’s wrist wrapping his fingers around and pushing it to the side. Bobby kicks the man desperately. The man pushes Bobby back to the wall. Bobby attempts to cry out but a blow to his head from the man’s fist muffles his cry. The sounds of bones crunching as the fist pummels Bobby’s head into the wall. Bobby’s grip on the revolver weakens. The man picks Bobby up and throws him down the stairs. Bobby bounces off the steps and he drops the revolver. The revolver gleams in the moonlight just feet away from Bobby. The man stomps down the stairs toward Bobby. His body battered he can not find the strength to move. “S-s-s…” His voice is muffled from his face swelling. Bobby looks into the kitchen to see Sully rushing to him crushing the strewn items under his feet. The man steps to the bottom of the stairs and Sully dives for the revolver grabbing it. The man jumps on top of sully. A loud pop rings throughout the house. The man slumps over and sully stands up and fires two more shots from the revolver. Into the man. The man lets out a subtle groan before he lays there motionless. Sully looks at the man in horror.
“No… no no no.” Sully’s voice trembles.
“W-what?” Bobby’s makes out spitting blood from his mouth.
Sully investigates the body. “This isn’t the guy I saw earlier.” Sully’s voice is choked up. “I think… we hit the wrong house…” Sully’s voice trembles.
Bobby looks at the body of the man on the ground through his swollen face. Bobby’s breathing labors as thoughts rush through his head. “Bobby we gotta get outta here.”