Novel prep: Sentence Summary

Introduce protagonists: a set of omphalopagus conjoined twins (13yr old girls)

First conflict btwn twins - intro their parents, friend, life at school, why they haven’t already been separated (mom is iatrophobic)

Backstory of how they grew up together in relative harmony - further explaining their world

chapter pov twin a conflict

Chapter pov twin b conflict

They see a psychologist who observes the difficulties they are having and suggests some ideas

Povs of both twins (2chapters) to deepen understanding of their psyches and conflicts of wanting independence while connected physically

Twin A begins researching separation surgery - mom rejects

Twin B reaction to that - trepidation but becoming fed up

Large conflict that brings to head need for the surgery - risky but necessary to take action

Discussion with both psychologist and surgeon specialist - discussion of dangers and extreme novelty of the procedure

They get approved for surgery

Pov of both twins (2 chapters)

Healthscare before surgery - a drug overdose? Something to do with shared liver or blood supply

Go through with surgery

Fast forward, they have healed and how they have benefited from separation (reader payoff and tying of loose ends)
