I Don’t Want It To End Like This

He yanked my arm, forcing me to face him.

“If you leave it like this, it’s over.”

His eyes were cold, his voice sounded like a knife stabbing my heart.

“Then it’s over,” I made my voice as hard as I could, “It’s over.”

A passing car honked, telling us to move.

I tried to pull my arm away, but Ty held me in place, the headlights bring all eyes on us.

“Is that really what you want?-To leave things like this,” he waved his hands around the parking lot, dropping my arm. The car honked again, the line of cars growing longer by the minute.

I nodded, “Well I’ve already picked what I want. It’s you that needs to make up your mind.”

He laughed sarcastically, “Since you can’t see I’ll just say it. I’m standing right here. . .” He pointed to the ground his body shaking with anger. “Right now,” he spit out the now like it would change weather or not I realized he was here. “What more can I do?”

I shook my head, throwing my arms up, “Nothing, you can do absolutely nothing.”

Ty’s eyes glowed, I could almost see the fire that burned in them. He took a deep breath, his lips parted but no words escaped them.

I closed my eyes sighing, “Listen to us Ty! This is toxic-we’re in a toxic relationship,” I gestured at me and then him.

“At least we agree on something,” Ty’s voice was now soft, with regret swimming all over it.

I felt the air I was breathing slipping away. He wasn’t supposed to agree, he was supposed to hate it. He was supposed to fight for me.

I nodded, fighting the tears, “Yeah, at least we can.”

Ty, stepped back, “You know the day I met you,” he let out a small laugh, “Let’s just say I never thought it would come to this.”

That makes two of us. Ty had always been so sweet, so kind. Tonight I was seeing something I’d never seen before. His dark side. And yet I still loved him.

Ty turned around, his brown hair black in the moonlight.

“Ty,” I called, my voice cracking, “Wait.”

Ty stopped, and stood still. The clock striked midnight as I wiped my tears.

“I don’t want it to end like this,” My voice was quiet.

Ty took a deep breath, looking over his shoulder, his mint eyes meeting mine, “It’s already over.”

He continued to walk away, leaving me alone.

He climbed into his old car, a car I had ridden in so many times. A car that had so many memories.

I let myself cry, sinking to the road.

“You alright?” A lady asked, as she pulled up next to me.

I shook my head, letting the tears fall the assault.

She gave me a weak smile and then drove off, leaving a grey cloud. I could smell the exhaust, that stayed around me. Such a bitter smell.

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