Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.


It was dark and it was gloomy, the rain and thunder drowning out my thoughts. I was simply sitting reading my book. It was a book about the “Great War”, that happened almost a century ago, in this fictional realm. As I read I became more and more immersed into the story, but the longer I read the louder the thunder got, soon causing me to be concerned about my power going out. So I put down the book to go and prepare in case of a power outage. When I left the book was on my coffee table, however when I returned I just couldn’t seem to find it. Upset, I decided to just go to sleep. When I awoke though the house was gone, I was in a tent? I scrambled up from my sleeping position to check out my surroundings better. I slowly moved the flap of the tent to the side and what I saw was horrific. Bodies everywhere on the ground, some disemboweled and others torn to shreds. I began to panic, where am I? What happened to my house? Why am I in the middle of a massacre? Wait! My book, I see my book it is now in the tent with me. I picked it up hoping to find an answer, or maybe wake up from this terrifying nightmare. Much to my dismay though, where there was once a characters name is now my name. My name is in place of the generals name. No, no, no, no! Seems I won’t wake up, because I am awake now, in my new reality, where I will be brutally murdered by the opposing army as an example of their brutality.

But if I’m here, where is the general?

The old woman who had lived in the neighborhood for years was out on her porch hoping for a siting of the new addition to the neighborhood. Outside the house was a new person, one that had many scars and wounds. But they were laughing? How could someone with such injuries be laughing, or in any type of joyful mood. He must be the new neighbor, nobody had seen him yet but surely that was him. I’ll go over with a med kit and help, it’ll be an impromptu welcome to the neighborhood.

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