Inspired by Maranda Quinn

Write a descriptive paragraph about something that immediately takes you back to your childhood — such as a song, a sound, or a certain smell.

A Childhood Memory

Flashback to the world so sweet

Flashback to my heart that beats

To see the precious moments that I gleam

How small were we how huge was love

How can I forget the sweet smell of Cerelac

Grandmaa’s kiss with a thousand Stars

Shinning as bright as diamonds in the sky

How I wish I could dream or switch back to

The world so sweet

How I stepped in my first nursery at school

My Guarden Angle taught me how to write

On paper we drew lines

In the golden afternoon

I read poetry and bloomed

With handfull of glucoo biscutes

And sweet tea in a spoon

Me and my cousins enjoy the blessings

That were bestrowd upon us by Grandmaa’s

Beautiful hands.

That late night talks and learning

To table talks and sorrows

I learned to be the best version of myself

Through life

The more I grow the more I learn

How sweet were those memories

Through highs and lows

Through friendship and support

I wrote a thousand words unheard

To the moon and back

How I wish this was back

But I know I must grow

Till the my memory grow

Now I write these words of love

I miss all the fun

And forget the present

To reveal the past

By: Farieha Zahra Gardezi

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