Write about an important event from a child's point of view.

Consider how children view and understand things differently from adults. You don't have to write in first person.

funeral told by a talkative 5 year old

i dont understand it becus ive never seen papa cry befor and ive never seen mama so cuiet in my hole life today we went to a big bilding with a lotta benches that were rilly smooth and my family was sat in the front and the sealing was rilly far away thare was a big box and it was also rilly smooth it lookd like a door becus it was open but was posishand so i cudnt see and evrybody wokd up but my uncle took me to the back and papa went up to it and wisperd sumthing in to the box and then so did mama and i thot it was weerd but i wanted to see wat was in it but thay didnt let me go up becus they sed i was to yung and i wood understand wen i got older and wen we were driving home it was raining so i asked if we cud get starbucks becus i wanted hot coco and papa sed not today so mama told him that after wat just hapend i deservd a treat and thay argude and papa kept yeling no but mama shouted at him and she wun the fite and got on her fone and papa yeld at her to keep her ise on the rode and she sed that evrything was fine and she was fine and i was fine and he was fine and evrything was fine and then thay sat in silens and i sat in silens with them then we got to starbucks and mama ran thru the rain to get inside so then me and papa sat in the car and watchd the rain fall down the windows and then i asked wat was in the box and papa sed that evrybody is luvd by at leest one uther person but sometimes humans get to tired and broken for the luv to protect them from evil things he sed that eventully humans move on to a difrent part of life ware thay are luvd but in a difrent way and sometimes it herts to have to let them be luvd by somewun els i askd him if luv was in the box and he sed it was sumthing like that

Five year old me wouldn’t know until I was nine that ‘luv in a box’ was just a euphemism for my dead grandfather.

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