“I love you, but your powers are too strong...they scare me.”
Write a short story which includes this line of dialogue.
“So what did you say to that?”
“I said what I always say; that I know my powers scare you because they’ve always scared me. Not when it comes to taking down bad guys of course, reducing ultra-class villains to helpless kittens with a few words has saved a lot of lives, brought me a ton of fame, a seat at the hero council, etc etc. But when it comes to having a personal life, trying to find love, I can never know if my partner feels about me the way I feel about them…. or my power forces them to love me. The government put their best minds on solving how my powers actually work but they’ve never been truly understood. So I can never know if I’m activating them, or if they’re always on. The price I pay to protect world peace may be that I’ll never know true love, always cursed with lingering doubt. So yeah, if you can’t handle that it’s best to just walk away now.”
And that’s when they always walk away. The irony continues.