Submitted by Maranda Quinn
Write a poem which includes the motif of doors.
Whether open or closed, doors can be used to represent many different things.
Paving the way to success
they told me
Opening doors
they said
A tidal wave of luck
a presnt for them not me
Tricked and manipulated
dirty work for thee
They granted opportunities
and gave me many options
but nothing was worth it
Under that indoctrination
Feeding me lies
hooked up to dishonesty
doors open in front of me
Close them
please close them
I dont want your attention
I dong want your money
I want freedom
and peace
from this hyporcricy
Save me from this torture
from the constant pressure
save me from the people
save me from the drama
I dont want opened doors
close them
close them
Dont give me your generic opportunities
I need to learn
and I need to thrive
Do you hear me
Will you listen please
I am stuck in a place
that is dirty
and broken
Fed lies
and corruption
I am their token
by zombies
imprisoned here too
Save us
save us
please just save us
I am sick of the opportunities
and opened doors
that are never what they seem
What is this place
what do you mean
Stuck in a cycle
of work
and fabrication
An american School system
An american school girl
Sick of the lies
Sick of the falshood
sick of the work
and the bigotry
save me
save me
save us all
Save our country
Save our people
This is America
“The land of the free”