Mysteries of the Night
Whether something natural and beautiful like the stars, or something more sinister, write a poem that focuses on things that are most prominent at night.
To Dream Of Stars
The night sky was always so mysterious. So dark as it's secrets shown through dim stars, as the moon tried to reveal its deepest darkest corners. Every night without fail, the stars greeted me. Welcoming in the night as the stress from the day swiftly went with the sun.
After standing in the same spot for years on end, having not a soul to talk to. One has time to think, ponder upon life's most ignored questions. One can get wise just by standing and immersing oneself in thought, but through the years, one tends to get lonely. No one to say goodmorning to you when you wake up, no one to tell you goodnight as you drift off under the stars and no one to sit by your side during those sleepless nights that drag on forever.
Those nights you can hear the breeze blow the grass and the crickets drift off to sleep until everything is so silent, you are sure everyone, except you, has dozed off into dreamless sleep.
One night, as I stared up into the night sky, the moon shining it's gentle beams through the tallest trees, I dozed off. Leaving the lonely woods behind as I found myself in a better place.
I dreamt of the stars and how they came down and took me away. They brought me to the sky to meet the moon that had been there, watching me bend beneath the weight of life's problems and I felt at home. Surrounded by the only things that had stayed constant through the years.
Then I awoke to the birds chirping and the sun making it's morning arrival. I realized it had all been a dream and I was still in the same place I had been for years.
I stared at the sky, as the moon slowly disappeared into the brightness of day, the warm breeze brushed through my leaves and I drowned myself in thought once again.
I was just a small sapling, with a very big dream…