Plot Builder
Why is it, that when the story ends, we begin to feel all of it
2am writer
1 min read
The letter awaited me at the front door.
It lay face down among other envelopes. I flipped it over and seeing the name took me back.
I lifted the envelope off the floor and held the weighty packet in my hands.
Curiosity told me to open it, common sense told me to throw it away.
Here I was torn, once again because of him. I thought I was better, I thought everything was alright again. I thought...
YA fiction
It hurts, but I don't know what hurts.
What hurts the most? I can't separate my hate from my love. It has all jumbled into one big knot of strings around my heart. Perhaps I have no hate for him, or I never had love to begin with.
I want to run, but my body won't move. I can't run because if I do, I know I'll just end up back with you. That's what I want, but I don't at the same time. I don't kn...
I loved you against reason, against promise, against hope, against happiness, against discouragement that could be, and what did you do? You threw my love in the trash.
You treated it like a piece of garbage you could just throw away. Get rid of and move on, but I will never move on.
I gave too much love to just forget about you. Move on like you say you have,but I don't see how I can.
I grab ...
2 min read
"Young love" a voice from beside me came. "So innocent".
It was a man's voice, raspy and rough from age.
"Indeed" I agreed without turning to see who it was I spoke to.
He claimed the seat next to me on the park bench and let out a long sigh.
A pigeon fluttered to the ground in front of us and broke my attention from the young couple across the park.
I pulled bread crumbs from my pocket and t...
The heart is never the same,
After it has been broken by the one you trusted,
The one you thought would never let you down,
The one you thought would hold your heart forever,
I loved the time we spent together,
The way you would smile at me from across the room,
Or look at me like we were the only ones that mattered,
But all good things must come to an end,
I can feel it now,
Every beat feels li...
Sometimes it is better to follow the crowd, but what happens when you have no choice but to go your own way?
I held the ability to see my end. In the small vial filled with purplish liquid held secrets that no one else knew yet.
I shook violently as I unscrewed the cap and dropped it to the floor. Being scared of knowing things not meant for you in normal, right?
I have always felt that some t...
Science fiction
Sometimes, when I lay in bed late at night,
I don't think about the day that's past,
I don't think about the work I have waiting for me tomorrow,
I let my mind wander and when it wanders, it finds you.
It always finds you....
The night sky was always so mysterious. So dark as it's secrets shown through dim stars, as the moon tried to reveal its deepest darkest corners. Every night without fail, the stars greeted me. Welcoming in the night as the stress from the day swiftly went with the sun.
After standing in the same spot for years on end, having not a soul to talk to. One has time to think, ponder upon life's most i...
There is a very different world behind the mirror,
One that everyone sees differently,
Not one person sees the same as the other.
Some see beauty, some see pain,
Others see monsters that stare back at them.
I see a monster.
His ugly smile and his messy, uncontrollable hair,
I hate how he stares back at me,
he's always there when I come to see him,
I wish he could be something else. Something bea...
The diluted beams of the moon's light fell to rest on Billy's pale skin.
Night was home to Billy. He never cared for the blinding light and heat of the sun. He also hated the crowds. Day was when everyone came out to play and shop and just do whatever they pleased, but the night was quiet and peaceful. It gave one room to think and slow down to listen to the things around one's self.
Tonight fel...