
“Hello, what’s your name?”

“My name’s Jane and I’m 6 and a half”

“My name’s Jill and I’m 6 and a half too!. Ha ha it’s funny both our names start with J.”

“Jill and Jane, Jill and Jane. It’s like a song.”

“Can you go down the slide, Jane?”

“Yes, it’s easy, let me show you. Let’s walk up the ladder together, then sit on the very top, then down we go….. weeeeeeeee..”

“Ooooh that was fun! I couldn’t’ve done it without you Jane.

“Yes, you could’ve!”

“Do you want to know a secret, Jane?”


“You’re my only friend.”

“We all have to start with one friend, once you’ve got one friend getting more friends is easy. “

“You’re my best friend, Jane.”

“You’re mine too. But you can have other friends too. Look there’s Lucy over there- go and say hello.”

“Hello, my name’s Jill.”

“Hello I’m Lucy.”

“Wanna go on the slide?”

“Yes, I saw you on it before - you’re so good- all by yourself too.”

“Yes, all by myself.”

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