Write a romantic poem about the sun, moon, or stars.

Features of the night sky often appear as 'characters' in poetry about nature and romance. How will you use them to create your poem?

Galactic Love

(I couldn’t pick just ONE of these things to write about, so I chose to write 3 poems, one for each. I hope you enjoy!!)


Shining bright,

My love for you

Is like a light,

A gorgeous light,

Shining through

All the clouds of doubt

That sit above my head,

Lingering with dread.

The way

Your light rays

Hit my skin,

It’s warming,



The sun,

It for sure has won

My heart,

My love,

My affection.

Your warm rays of light

Get me through the fight

Called life.

Thank you

For helping me through

The strife.


You come to me

In many phases,

Each one

Just as gorgeous as the last,

Our love will never be

A thing of the past.

For we have a magical connection,

You and I,

I’ll light up the Earth,

You’ll light up the night sky.

Moonlit forests,

A gorgeous place I’ll roam,

Staring up at you,

Into the tapestry of time,

They wove in our love.


Are my bright white dove.


Scattered throughout

The dark night sky,

You showed me that

Love is not a lie.

The way you shine,

The way you glow,

It keeps my walking in a straight line,

It helps me know…

Know that love is real,

That light is not a lie,

For no matter how dull life may seem,

You light up the night sky.

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