The afterlife isn't quite what you imagined it would be...

Hades palace

“Hello, mortal.” said Hades unemotionally.

The afterlife isn’t quite how I expected it. There is a giant palace made out of black obsidian. It’s winter so Queen Persephone will be here. It’s quite a shock to see that the Ancient Greeks were right about the afterlife, especially as a catholic. The place is dark.

“You will go that way to be judged for your life to see where you go.”

I followed where he was gazing at and my eyes lit up with both fear and excitement.

The room was - again - made of black obsidian but this time had rose quartz dotted all around it.

‘The rose quartz must’ve been Persephone’s idea,’ I thought.

“Yes, indeed, it was, although it’s ‘Queen Persephone’,” said Hades, reading my mind.

“Oh, didn’t you know the gods could do that? Well, now’s not a good time to ask questions.”

I felt my body being dragged along with nobody pulling me.

Now, it’s time for judgement…


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