Submitted by SwimTS15

Write a poem or a short story from the perspective of someone on the one year anniversary of a loved ones’ death.


It’s been 5 years now

I look into the mirror and I see you

Im a version of myself I’ve never seen before

Lifeless, empty, sad

Grief strikes, I go and look at the most recent photos of you and you look like me

Lifeless, empty, sad

I look at older pictures and we look nothing alike

You’re happy, your eyes shine, your smile is genuine

What happened to you?

How did i not notice?

Was I so caught up in my own life that I couldn’t look into your eyes?

Then I realize the same thing is happening to me

Yet nobody asks me, nobody cares

I look at myself in the mirror and see a shell of a human

Is this how you felt?

Is this why you died?

Sometime it would be easier to be dead

The emptiness Ive felt all these years is almost unbearable

It brings me physical pain to know you died with the light already gone

Did you feel empty too?

Did you drown yourself in alcohol too?

Did you seek attention from people to fill the void?

Were you lucky enough to chose the right people?

You and I didn’t experience the same things

Yet our eyes tell the same story

Oh the stories we could tell each other

I wish I could talk to you

Get some advice

feel heard, less alone

I’d tell you that we are going to be okay

That the feeling won’t last forever

But then I realize that for you, the feeling did

The emptiness won.

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