Submitted by Myra Herrington

"Just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread."

Write a story or poem which contains this line.

The beggar

One day, a beggar is walking on the street and asking for help, "Just a piece of bread" he wrote on a cardboard. He started at 8 in the morning but it's already noon, and no one pays attention to his beg. Later that day, he saw another beggar who was very happy eating bread. He called it and he said, "Where did you find that bread?", "Can you give me a little?" he added. The beggar replied to him "Nothing is free in this world; you need to work on something for you to get it". And a dismay in his eyes is shown, "cruel world" he said. "I'm just asking for a piece of bread; I haven't eaten for a week now" he cried. A man who was walking on that street saw that beggar was crying "Cruel world it is, but yet you're the one who creates your destiny". "Who are you to tell me that" the beggar replied. "I'll give you an offer, work as a janitor in my company and you'll have not just a piece of bread you are asking". The man walks out and gives the calling card to the beggar. The dismayed eyes turn into eyes of hope that are full of opportunity.

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