The Puzzle

I tried so hard to solve you

To become your missing piece

And so my bids for attention

Continued to increase

Each time I found a piece

You took one of mine away

Instead of trying to solve me

You ignored me more each day

I wanted more than you wanted to give

I wanted all of you

To have, to hold, to cherish,

To inspire and imbue

We were 2 puzzle pieces

That appeared to fit together

But what I came to realize

Is you only wanted me in fair weather

I never seemed to fit you

Hard as I might try

My best would never be good enough

And then you started to lie

Little white lies,fibs, tall tales, omissions of the truth,

Is that what you would call…

Your bold faced lies about where you were lying?

I couldn’t read the writing on the wall

Always looking for your missing piece,

With a tattoo above your penis…

You made your declaration of love to her,

And showed me nothing was between us

But let me tell you

She is not your missing piece

You cannot build on what is broken

And governed by caprice

You took me apart piece by peace

You took my peace of mind

My sense of self

My sense of reality

My first love

My youth

My maidenhood

You tore me apart piece by peace,

How do I pick up my pieces?

Now I find my pieces were bent but never broken

And some are deep within

Now I entrust my piece to the Prince of Peace

I commit my all to Him

Knowing I will be whole again

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