Submitted by Bernard Wicks

Write a poem or story that reads as if it is beautiful, but is actually about something rather tragic.

For example, you might write about a beautiful sunset in an apocalyptic world, or a poem about the good things about heartbreak.



What is this strange concept

Is it as simple as our hearts beating in our chests

Is it laying down at night to rest

But flowers do not rest

Neither do the leaves on the trees

So what is it then?

What connects the things that have life?

What connects us and them?

The answer

Is actually quite simple

It’s simple, yet so sad

To know that in order to be alive

You must also be able to die

Humans live

We fall in love

Leaves do not fall in love

They grow on the tree

Then they fall off and die

Flowers live

Until we cut apart their bodies

Selfishly wanting their beauty for ourselves

Humans are born

We are raised to take more than we need

We hurt each other simply because they are different

Nature doesn’t care

If you’re straight, gay, white, or black

Nature is alive

Yet it gives and gives

Never asking for anything back

So what is life?

The answer is simple to see

Life is the time before death

Where your body stops working

You no longer respond

Your body is buried under the ground

Finally back where it belongs

Life is never guaranteed

But death always is

Don’t pity the dead

They’re no longer in pain

Instead pity the living

Who continue to play this tiring game

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