Narrate a life-changing encounter from the perspective of a stray animal.
Dog napped?
I back into the corner as they surround me, snarling at them, snapping my teeth and growling I do everything I can think of to get them to leave me alone.
I’m backed into the corner of a street only a tall wall one side of me and a bin I attempt to hide behind to no avail, I don’t know what they want with me, I whimper as I place my swollen paw back on to the ground as I hop sideways shielding myself further behind the bin.
2 cars and one van are blocking my escape out of this small desolate car park I had found myself trapped in, panting hard I wish I could ask them to go, I don’t want to hurt them I’m just trying to save myself I urge them to leave wincing every time I rest my paw onto the ground.
The blonde female human bends down softly calling out towards me.
I know there hear to get me and it’s part of the plan but I have been running for so long and I am so tired I collapse with a yelp onto my side, the lady is calling to one of the men with her, as one brings a net looking object and tried to hand it to her she pushes it aside shaking her head.
She’s closer now, I lift my head exhausted, I wish she could understand me, I don’t mean no harm.
She’s closer, shouts of panic voices behind her sound distant in my ears as they ring loudly, as she tells them to be quiet and leans in further her fingers nearly resting at my paw, she doesn’t grab me as I thought she would and I have no energy left to escape, accepting my fate, I let out a whine and use what little energy I have left to raise my head.
“Hey little one, I know your scared but I’m not here to hurt you”
I can hear her comforting voice as I sniff towards her, she puts her hand closer my nose touching it now.
She doesn’t pull her hand away and gently strokes my fur on the side of my face, I pant with stress but let her touch me, it seems to be taking some of my pain away. She carries on petting me each stroke causing my tired eyes to relax.
I’m starting to be less on edge with the woman only growling when one of the men approach, alert and struggling to get up I get ready to defend myself but each time she sends them away, maybe she is here to save me from those bad guys?
As I’m distracted by her gentle strokes and kind voice and determidley keeping a eye on the men behind her, she takes the opportunity to strike a rope flings around my head and she pulls it so I cannot realise it off my head frantically I wave my body around swaying my head side to side in a attempt to slide off the rope.
The two men are back and leading me firmly towards the van where they pull me In slipping off the rope from my neck , locking a metal gate inside the van doors I yelp and howl out but I’m trapped as she comes to shut the doors on me she whispers I’m so sorry mate I promise you it’s for your own good she says sadly slamming the doors and walking away.
As the engine rumbles I realise there’s nothing left I can do, captured by the bad people not sure of what awaits me I lay on the cold floor instead if the blanket and bed that’s been placed nearby me.
I doze off slightly as the wheels come to a stop someone’s foot steps come towards me I scrabble to my feet forgetting my paw that is hurting me so bad.
The door flings open and the smiling kind lady is there, come on boy she says I’ve got someone waiting to see you , she looks so excited but also sad with tears in her eyes I cautiously follow her out with the rope I allowed her to place around me this time, a familiar scent hits me as I realise she is leading g me to the entrance to the vets I push my feet in the ground barking at her In protest.
I bark loudly but I know deep down I need help for my paw, she is encouraging me in so determinedly and I think what is so important in this building I hesitantly get lead inside stopping every couple of strides in fake protest to protect my pride more than anything else.
We get inside as I get ready to be seized by the torturer that gives me my jabs, I get lead to a side area of the waiting room instead.
I sniff the floor and take a wee up the side of some bags that smell like dog food as a loud cry and sounds of sobbing surround me, I hobble forward in alarm towards 3 crying humans the youngest man kneeling down by the chair In front of me, I look up at the nice woman, confused, concerned what’s going on?
She leads me nearer to the man as I step forward to sniff him, he has a familiar scent I sniff harder as he says a word I hadn’t been called for a long time, hello dexter he whispers towards me, have you forgotten me he says barely audible but I lift my head up, what was that word? As if he understood what I asked he repeated Dexter, it’s me.
RYAN I leap at him it has been so long I thought I had dreamt him, all the memories come flooding to my head as I leap into his arms the others gather around as I sniff them both remembering them all now.
After my paw was bandaged and painkillers given to me in a treat, the kind lady hugs me tightly as she returns me on a lead to my family. They didn’t leave me, I was just lost.
Returning home, this was the best day of my life.