Heaven Or Hell?

I thought going to church and turning my life around would let me peacefully walk through the gates of heaven. I was expecting street of gold, beautiful houses and one waiting for me. I would be heaaled completely of all my health issues. I would be greeted by my grandmother,uncle, aand other family members that had passed away before me. I would also get to come face to face with Jesus. I unfortunately did not.

I found myself entering the gates of hell. It was not hot and meiserable like everyone in told. You do not really read about hell anywhere. Most religious books refer to some sort of purgatory. That is some sort of punishment period that is equilvelant to the bad things someone has done on Earth. This is not a permanate place but a temporary until your punishment is done.

I always believe I would go to heaven even though I had not be the perfect person on Earth. I am getting used to hell. It is not much different then Earth. I still have me free will of choices. I just am going through the same routine I did on Earth. All of us here in hell go to work and back home every weekday. The only difference is we never get a weekend. We work 365 days a year. The day is just long enough for a few hours of daylight when you get home after work before it gets dark. Every one in hell thinks they are getting ahead but in reality they do not get ahead any further. I realize that hell is like groundhound day.

I wake up go to work and do it all over again for days. I keep hoping one of these days I will have worked off my bad deeds. I did not think I was that bad of a person on Earth. I realize that I have been in hell for years now. You loose trqack of the days since they are all the same day. It reapeats and reapeats. I can never get a head or out of this hell.

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