A fairytale character is dropped into this world.
How do they react? What do they find most difficult?
Harry Potter
I sit up in my bed and look at the clock. 7:00 AM. Getting out of the bed, I see myself in the mirror. I stalk to the bathroom and change, then comb carefully through my hair.
When I’m done, I enter the kitchen and put a bagel in the toaster. That’s when I notice something outside. It’s a flashing light that comes and goes quickly. It’s probably just a car light, it’s fine.
My bagel pops out of the toaster, and I slather some cream cheese on it. After I eat, I say bye to my family and head out the door for school.
Someone is standing on the sidewalk looking confused. The notice me and walk over.
“Hey,” says the boy in a British accent. That and his brown hair, green eyes, and circular glasses lead me to a realization.
“Harry…?“ I ask quietly.
“Potter. Harry Potter,” he says, “How’d you know?”
“What…you-but you’re not real!”
“Of course I’m real.”
“No, your from a book series. A, uh, here.” I pull out the first book from my bag. He takes a close look at it and suddenly everything makes sense.
“Where am I?” He asks. “Better yet, how do I get back? Probably the same way I got in, right? Ron tried a spell on me…
“What spell?” I ask.
“Not sure, says he got it out of a spellbook. It’s one we haven’t learned yet.”
“I know just what to do.”
After school, I go to the library. When I finally find a Harry Potter spellbook, I check out and sit down at a table with Harry. Flipping through the pages, I scan for any kind of spell that could have brought him here.
“Here,” I say, finally finding one, “Teletrasportare.”
Harry pulls out his wand and points at himself. “Thanks for helping me,” he says.
“Of course I would help my fourth favorite character!” I tease.
“Teletrasportare,” he says, the realizes what I said, “Wait, four-“ A light flashes and Harry is gone, leaving me alone in the library.
I walk home and sit on the couch. I can’t stop my eyes from wandering to my bag, where the Harry Potter book lays. I pull it out and open it to where the bookmark is, continuing to read.