Whispers In the Dark

I catch a glimpse from the corner of my eye a fleeting shadow, a figure passing by. I turn to look, but it’s gone from sight, vanished into the consuming night.

The air grows thick with an unseen presence of a prickling sensation of creeping essence. The hairs on my neck stand up with dread as I strain to see what lurks ahead.

I hear a rustling, a soft, eerie sound, like footsteps circling, just out of bound. My heart pounds in my chest, a frantic beat, as I try to study my trembling feet.

Who- or what- is watching from the gloom? What nameless terrors hide in the tomb? Of shadow and darkness that surrounds me here, filling my soul with the paralyzing fear.

I dare not move, dare not make a sound, Lest the unseen predator pounce from the ground. I’m trapped in this web of uncertainty, Enveloped in an unnatural mystery.

What sinister force has me in its sway? What evil lingers, just out of sway? I long to flee, to escape this dreadful place, But the shadowy phantoms givechase.

I’m haunted, stalked by an unknown foe, Whose nature and motives I can never know. Trapped in this darkness, this eerie unknown, I face the shadows - and I face them alone.

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