Photo by Florentina Amon @

Write a story inspired by this image.


You never know what you’ll discover in the woods.

I sat in my rocking chair contemplating what to do about what I saw.

In all honesty I didn’t really want to get involved. Them spiritual matters didn’t suit a man like me, and I never particularly enjoyed being part of the resolution process.

I let out a long sigh with a smile.

The thing is, totems aren’t usually an issue really. They’re inanimate creepy looking things for sure, but they’re not hurting nobody. It’s not like they can talk.

But as I was trudging around in the woods minding my business with a cigar and a holstered gun,

I heard something whisper to me.

It was goddamn creepy I’ll tell ya that. Nearly jumped out of my skin. Couldn’t even see it at first. But the whisper was right in my ear.

So naturally, I do what any bored ol’ man would do right? I investigate.

I discover this woman looking thing.

It’s got a white napkin type covering on its head, holding a suitcase dressed in black. Looks like a nun going to a meeting.

I was about to chuckle at the description I came up with before I heard the whisper again.

A much, much louder whisper.

Now you gotta understand, I was pretty damn creeped out by now. Most issues in the woods are solved by a couple rounds, so I unholster the gun and load a few.

I point it at the totem.

The damn thing is looking directly at me.

I mean the cloth was still over the head so no idea if the eyes were…like I felt like it was looking right at me. It was enough to make me think twice.

So, maybe I won’t shoot it. Felt like I was about to commit a crime against a principle of nature or something. Or worse.

I put the gun away, I turn around.

I hear the most spine chilling noise I’ve ever heard in my damn life. It was just plain disturbing, sent all kinds of shivers through my fingers, and I couldn’t even describe it to ya.

I spin around to see it right behind me.

Centimetres away.

I haven’t ran so fast in years, but the fear that possessed me sent me flying down that path back home. Damn near sprained an ankle or two.

So now, back at the cabin sitting at the fireplace…no idea what to do about that.

Maybe it’s best to leave well enough alone ay?

I let out another sigh, the smile still firmly pasted on my face. What a damn day to be alive.

I lit a cigar, step outside,

and there in the distance,

stands the nun looking lady.

Far enough to feel safe from,

close enough to feel slightly threatened.

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